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Silver City has an active Student Council. Silver City staff and students participate in the Silver City Days Parade, cultural assemblies, Girls on the Run, skating parties and field trips.  Field trips included Day at the K, Antioch Park, Deanna Rose Farmstead, Science City, and more.

Students participate in school music programs and the District Music Festival, Arts and Partners assemblies, Jump Rope for Heart, Kansas Kids Fitness Day, and Field Day.

Teachers have access to individual iPads for instructional purposes, and a mounted TV with Apple TV. Kindergarten through fifth grade have a 1:2 iPad distribution. Students used Google Classroom regularly.

Events during the year include Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, Rolling with Grandparents breakfasts, Family Literacy Night, STEM Night, Talent Show and a carnival.

Hands to Heart provided gifts for students in Kindergarten and first grade. Harmon students assisted us in Field Day. The Kansas City Kansas Public Schools transportation department shared a bus safety demonstration for all students.