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Silver City has an active Student Council.  Young Leaders of Tomorrow conducted a fundraiser.  Silver City staff and students participated in the Silver City Days Parade,  Cultural assemblies, Taste of 500,  Skating parties and field trips.  Field trips included Day at the K, Antioch Park, Mahaffie Farmstead – one grade went there and another grade hosted them at Silver City, and Deanna Rose.

Students participated in school music programs and the District Music Festival, Arts and Partners assemblies, Jump Rope for Heart, Kansas Kids Fitness Day, Fuel Up to Play 60 and Field Day.

Teachers have access to individual iPads for instructional purposes, and a mounted TV with Apple TV. K, 1 and 2 have a 1:2 iPad distribution, 3 have 1:1 iPads, 4 and 5 have 1:1 Chromebooks.  Students used Google Classroom regularly.

Events during the year included Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, Rolls for Grandparents breakfasts, Family Literacy Night, Game Night, STEM Night, Talent Show and a carnival.

Friends of Special People provided gifts for students in Life Skills. Harmon students functioned as interpreters.  Local police read to students as a part of Read to Lead and we had a speaker from St. Luke’s.